Alains Anime Homepage

Unfortunately time doesn't allow me to translate even parts of my homepage. This is just a small information page but please feel free to mail me if you are interested in any part of the German pages.


Anime Pages

One of my most important hobbies are Japanese animation and cartoons (manga). On my German pages there is a list of reviews, general information and a glossary of terms. If you are further interested in Japanese Animation please go to the following site:

Anime Web Turnpike


Traveling Japan

My other important hobby is traveling Japan and learning the language. The German pages contain general travel information about Japan, a picture album and several travelogs.

Alain Barthe

About myself

I'm in my mid-thirties and living in Switzerland. I'm an IT Engineer working in the IT Department of a big Swiss company. Since I got a TI-57 as a Christmas present over 20 years ago, computers always were on of my primary interests and are the third important hobby beside animes and Japan.

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